Africa XYZ Press Release

"Africa XYZ Targets $2.5 Billion for its "Vision 2030 Fund I" to train and provide job opportunities to 300 million youth across Africa and its Diaspora."

Press Release: UK and Rwanda-based Pan-African technology company Africa XYZ, on a mission to establish itself as the world"s largest Pan-African investment bank, proudly announces its ambitious plan to launch the "Vision 2030 Fund I" this year. The $2.5 billion fund will be dedicated to identifying, training, and connecting 300 million youth across 120 countries in Africa and its Diaspora to job opportunities through a network of 25,000 talent hubs.

Anderson Anonzo, CEO of Africa XYZ, expressed deep concern about the current unemployment crisis in Africa:

"As dedicated advocates for the welfare of our fellow Africans, we express our deep concern regarding the current unemployment crisis in Africa — a challenge resonating across our diaspora as well. Recent statistics from the African Development Bank highlight Africa"s unfortunate position with the highest unemployment rate globally. These figures serve as a stark reminder of the shared difficulties we face and the urgency to find African solutions to African problems."

Highlighting the urgency and challenges faced by Africa"s youth, Anonzo shared his thoughts:

“Africa boasts the world"s youngest population, with a median age of 19.7 years. Despite this, the dire employment situation for young people across Africa stifles their potential. According to the African Development Bank, in 2015, one-third of Africa’s then 420 million young people between 15 and 35 years old were unemployed, another third were vulnerably employed, and only 1 in 6 was in wage employment.”

Emphasizing the global nature of Africa"s youth employment problem, Anonzo stated:

"Africa"s youth employment problem is not isolated; it is a global issue. The alienation of a large segment of youths impedes global development, leading to mass migration to developed countries and creating instability in African business climates. Poverty and inequality contribute to looting, insurgencies, and terrorist activity on the continent."

Outlining Africa XYZ"s commitment and approach, Anonzo shared his vision:

"At Africa XYZ, we are a forward-thinking team from Africa and the Diaspora committed to financing the training and job creation of 300 million youths by 2030 across our continent."

To achieve this goal, we introduce the "Talent Identification Card," designed to identify, evaluate, train, and provide job opportunities to 300 million young individuals across Africa and its Diaspora by 2030 through a network of 25,000 Talent hubs.

In pursuit of this ambitious goal, we are building strategic partnerships with the world"s leading businesses, governments, and institutions to raise the $2.5 billion needed for our Vision 2030 Fund I.

Mr. Anderson Anonzo - CEO of Africa XYZ


M: +44 7458 114706


Date: 22 January 2024